For Teachers

Dear Fellow Bridge Teachers,

Welcome to my Bridge Lesson site. You have my permission to use any of my materials in your Bridge classes, just credit me. My previous site had forums but I have removed those for lack of use by any but spammers. I will publish some of the useful posts from the old site someday soon. You are welcome to leave comments on this page if you want to discuss teaching bridge.

My most recent thoughts on teaching bridge can be found in various posts on this site including the one called “Teaching adult beginners.”

Materials and Lesson plans for teaching Bridge to children, also known as the Schools Bridge Lesson Program, are in the various Download areas for teachers. These are free and you do not need to sign up. The ACBL has the most current manual for teaching kids on their site.

You can contact me to get pre-analyzed Hands for a Schools Competition. I have two sets of 12 pre-analyzed hands which we used in our competitions. Most were originally played in a Novice game at a regional or in the Culbertson Bridge club in NYC, first by the regular game then in the novice game. The matchpoints are included in the brief write-up.

Finally the ACBL Education foundation sponsors bridge classes in the schools. Click here for more information from the ACBL.

Regards, Kitty

Teaching Bridge Poster (available in Downloads)

11 thoughts on “For Teachers

  1. Majid Kiarostami

    I am living in Iran,Iplayed bridge before 1979 with Mr. Charles Goren’s rule,and now I play Bridge Baron by my tablet.
    I am very interest to know new rules in Bridge.May I ask you help me in this subject.
    Thanks a lot
    Majid Kiarostami

  2. Kitty Cooper Post author

    Majid –
    Well welcome back to a wonderful game, sorry not to have responded sooner but I was travelling and mainly offline.

    The scoring has changed a bit since 1979 as has the style of bidding. I think that the introduction to bridge at the Bridge World site may have the answers to your questions in the mechanics and scoring sections:

    The bidding summaries on my own site here are very basic and for beginners. See my book section on this site for more ideas.

    You may also enjoy playing online with real people at the BBO site which also has instructional materials –

    Let me know if you still have questions.
    – Kitty

  3. DavidW

    Mr. Charles H Goren, Esq remains an excellent source of bridge knowledge. His last book, “Goren’s New Bridge Complete,” is 705 pages of bridge insights as of 1985 (Goren died in the early 1990s). This book uses modern 5-card-major Standard American bidding. It has a summary on SAYC bidding that can be photocopied (pp 85-92) and a summary on Strong Club bids (pp. 289-295). At the end of each chapter are various quizzes that test your comprehension of his ideas. If you want the absolute latest bidding system, there are many for download or sale on the internet. For example, most internet bridge sites will post their robot’s bidding systems for you to download and study (eg, SAYC, ACOL, 2/1, Precision)

  4. Dr Jacqueline mcclaran

    where do teachers obtain the guidance to promote capaicity to encourage student progress, however small it may be, to encourage people to write down what it taught, to encourage admiration and adult learners to become “just like the teacher’ so important to role -modelling, a basic element of imparting any skill, please reply

    1. Kitty Cooper Post author

      Sorry Jaqueline, not my area of expertise. The game of bridge is its own reward, it is a fun way to exercise the brain and learn critical thinking (sadly missing in many schools).

  5. p.narayan iyer

    hi kitty,
    i have been teaching bridge for adults for the past 10 years. though a lot of my students have learnt the games but there is very little improvement in their ability to play hands or defend despite my giving them constant exercises on both these topics. could you suggest some way of ensuring that they improve. bidding seems to be ok.

  6. Kitty Cooper Post author

    Hi P,
    Bridge is a difficult game and the people who improve are not usually the ones who take the lessons. That being said, trying to get across only one or two main points per lesson can help. Teach them to count the hands and the points with some exercises where it is easy … good luck

  7. carolyn vesey

    would you have access to the name of an online teacher for SAYC. I would like to be able to access this teacher to ask questions, go over hands and bidding. IS there a site that would accept a cc#payment per hour of teaching.

  8. Vivian

    Hi Kitty thank you for your excellent blog. I’m keen to become a bridge teacher and live in HongKong. Unfortunately my repeated messages to ACBL, EBU and a number of other sites have gone answered. I can of course learn to teach through books but do you have any other ideas ? I’m also hoping to get certified. Many thanks


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