has two primary objectives:
- Assist other bridge teachers by providing free materials, tips, and discussions
- Help beginning and intermediate players learn bridge
Another objective is to give me an outlet for discussing my thoughts on bridge and how to teach it with a focus on younger players (middle school).
Everything on this site is free, except for the books purchasable via Amazon. Let me know what else you would like to see here.
I am available for hire to give group bridge lessons so contact me if you are interested.
I am seeking a bridge player who can work with me online and by phone simultaneously to practice counting distribution, points, and total tricks. Although I have a method for counting, I need to practice out loud at a slower pace.
This person need not be an expert. My hope is to pay a nominal fee.
Can you recommend someone to me?
Bonnie I sent you an an email stating our prices and also recommending
Bridge Today – the granovetters
and this bridge school:
Kitty. I cannot download your article on “The Art of Preempting”. Could you send it to my e-mail address “SWOLP84659@AOL.COM”? Thanks
Kittty. Will you be sending it to me? I enjoyed your piece in the latest Contract Bridge Forum. Can you? Samuel
Samuel –
I will send it. For some reason gmail is marking emails from this site about new comments as spam so I did not see this in a timely fashion. Apologies
Found your site by accident, it is excellent. I’m from Australia.
How can we get the answers to this topic: “Slam Bidding over NO Trump Openers?”