For Students

Dear Bridge Student,

I have completely redesigned this site using WordPress. Please let me know how easy or hard the new site is to use and let me know what else you would like to see here.

Please feel free to send good questions via the bridge question form on this site which I may use in my column for District 22.

If you want to share your thoughts or questions feel free to leave comments on this page of the page for bridge questions.

Click here for the Free Bridge Tutorial  from the American Contract Bridge League,  or here for the program for a PC which I highly recommend if you are just starting. I also recommend that you try the lovely interactive learn to play bridge online tutorial at BridgeToday,com – that site has many other more advanced lessons as well.

There are a number of my own lessons available on this site as well. Just click the category Bridge Lessons.

Regards, Kitty

Langermann Bridge Game ca. 1910

My great-grandmother Charlotte Thannhauser Langermann (far left) and her sister Lina loved to play Bridge. Probably that is her brother Max in the center.

7 thoughts on “For Students

  1. Bibek Chatterjee

    What is the correct line of play in the following hand:- North:-S-KJ5;H-Q75;D-752;C-AJ65 South:-S-AQ1086;H-AJ;D-AKQ;C-Q92 Contract is 6N.T by South and west leads D-J.

  2. Kitty Cooper Post author

    Well you want to maximize your chances without committing yourself early. You have ten top tricks and can easily develop an 11th in . Then the 12th comes if clubs are 3-3 or the K is onsides. So how to combine these? Win the and cross to dummy in . Then play a towards your queen. If RHO wins the K you have 12 tricks. If he ducks and the Q wins you have 11 so just lose a to set up a 12th (cross to dummy in and finesse at pairs so extra chances for 13). When the Q loses to the K you have 11 tricks and time to find out if clubs are 3-3 for 12 before trying the finesse. The problem with playing a to the !J instead is that you will not know whether or not to finesse when it loses and a comes back.

  3. Judy Park

    When we were younger, we would throw in a one bid , since trying to start playing again after many years , we have a conflict going about playing a one bid. Can you answer this for us?

    1. Keith Thompson

      One bids should be respected and played out. Some people may not bid at all on that hand, and you will find out if bidding or passing would have been better. Defense is very tough on low level contracts. Many times the defense is not able to cash all the tricks they have coming.
      In summary, play out those one bids. There will be a lot to learn there.

      Good luck!

  4. Kitty Cooper

    Gay – The book Competitve Bidding by Edgar Kaplan covers this topic fairly thoroughly but I will try to do a future lesson on this


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