The final issue of D17 ScoreCard is online. It includes our 2020 suggestions for Bridge books to give for Christmas. More importantly perhaps, it includes an index to past articles which I have updated to include December’s issue and put in the downloads section here Invalid download ID..
In coming months, I plan to add more of our basic lesson articles to this site and maybe even create an E-book. Our columns are no available on the District 17 web site, Only the PDF versions of past issues of the online ScoreCard are available at
Some history: ten years ago, my late husband Steve and I took on the task of editing the print newsletter for District 17 of the ACBL. This publication was an insert in the Western Conference monthly mailed out paper. We were able to do this with much help from Bonnie Bagley and a style sheet from Ken Monzingo. Steve had a talent for editing plus experience from back in Law School and my experience came from creating web sites.
In the Spring of 2018, the publication changed to bi-monthly and online only. Now my graphics arts abilities finally came into play. I really enjoyed putting this new format together using the Nxtbook Media platform. Sadly COVID has ended our run because District 17 no longer has any income from bridge tournaments and so can no longer spend the money to produce that slick online magazine.